At CommerceBear, we've developed functionalities to handle the complexities of product variants, kits, and components. This article provides an understanding of these features and how they work in our system.
What is a Variant?
A product variant is a version of a product that differs in certain attributes while being essentially the same in others. Variants can differ in aspects like color, size, pattern, shape, etc. In CommerceBear, you can vary a product by one or multiple attributes (maximum 3). We recommend limiting variations to one or two attributes for optimal management. The majority of e-commerce channels support up to two variation attributes (eg. Color & Size).
Variation Types in Commerce Bear:
Our system supports a wide range of varying attributes, known as "Variation Types." These include types like Bed Size, Colors, Finishes, Shapes, Size, Material, Style, and Pattern.
Setting Up Variants:
To set up variants in CommerceBear, a variation parent needs to be created (marked in our system as 'is variation parent = true'). This parent is a non-sellable product that ties variants together.Â
Each variant is then named and associated with this parent. Note: In CommerceBear, the concept of parent SKUs is integral to organizing variants. Here is an example of what it might look like:Â
Here is an example if your product varied by two attributes:Â
Understanding Kits, Sets, and Components in CommerceBear
Kits and Sets:
- A 'Kit' or 'Set' in Commerce Bear refers to a complete package of products sold together as a single unit.
- Example Kit SKU: DiningSet-123 (This is the SKU for the entire dining set kit which is a sellable item.)
Components of a Kit:
- Components are the individual items that make up a Kit. Each component has its own SKU for inventory management.
Component SKUs (Example):
- Table-456 (Non-sellable component SKU for the table)
- Chair-789 (Sellable component SKU for a chair)
- Bench-012 (Sellable component SKU for a bench)
Inventory Management:
Kit Parent: Indicates if a SKU is a kit parent. Example: For DiningSet-123, 'Is Kit Parent' would be set to 'Yes'.
Is Component: Indicates if a component SKU is a non-sellable component. Example: For Table-456, 'Is Component' would default to "No". "Is Component" would be "Yes" if the table was sellable on its own, separate from the Kit.Â
Component Details: For each component in the Kit, there is a corresponding SKU and quantity, which helps manage inventory. Example:
- Component SKU: Table-456, Quantity: 1
- Component SKU: Chair-789, Quantity: 4
- Component SKU: Bench-012, Quantity: 1
4. Sellable vs. Non-Sellable Components:
- Sellable Components: Items that can be sold individually. Example: Chairs and benches in a dining set.
- Non-Sellable Components: Items that are not sold separately. Example: The table in the dining set.
Tips for Effective SKU Management:
- Consistency is key. Ensure that SKUs are defined uniformly across all channels to avoid confusion and streamline publishes.Â
- For example, when you're dealing with SKU-ABC, which represents a set of two chairs, it's important to be consistent in how you refer to it. Always count and price this SKU as a set, not per individual chair. So, for inventory purposes, count one unit of SKU-ABC for every two chairs, and set the price for the pair together, not for each chair separately.
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