CommerceBear supports over 400 specific product categories for publishing. 'Categories' refer to groupings of products based on shared characteristics. E-commerce sites use categories to help organize products, making it easier for customers to find what they're looking for.
In Bear, categories are used to tell us which data points are required to list the product on a channel. Templates are used to format product details for publishing to channel, requiring specific information based on the category. Without a category, we don’t know what product information you’re missing, because that’s how the majority of channels group product data.
Similar to the way retail channels name their categories differently, you might name your categories differently than Bears schema. We built the Category Compatibility tool so you could easily run a test to determine the % of categories supported by CommerceBear.
To get started, open the Category Compatibility Tool and your personal information, so we know who to email the report to. Select the channels you wish to publish to, at times, different categories are supported across different channels so this helps us report accurate compatibility.
Next, get ready to upload your categories. You can click to view a preview of the format we require for upload or go ahead and upload file. You will notice a new window open, click the "+" button to upload a CSV or Excel file containing a single column of your product categories.
Choose the file from your computer. Identify and select the header row, which is the row containing the titles for your categories (it should be pre-selected for you). You will notice your column has been duplicated, don’t worry about that.
For the first selection, choose "Customer Category" from the template columns. For the second selection, choose "Bear Category."
Your screen should look like this:
In the Bear Category Template Column, select "Edit Bear Category Values" to map your categories with Bear's. If no appropriate match is available, choose "NO MATCH." Confirm your mappings by clicking "Done."
Click "Next" to review a preview of your category mappings, then click "Import" to finalize the process.
Await an email at the address you provided earlier, which will include the results of your import.
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